15 Holywells Road, Ipswich, IP3 0DL
Tel 01473 216462
MOT Class IV, V & VII
Taxi Compliance Testing

Clutch Replacement
Timing Belts
Air Conditioning
Injector Extraction
Oil and Filter Change
Approx. £75.00 + VAT
The most important aspect of vehicle servicing is to ensure that the engine oil and oil filter is renewed regularly. Oil becomes contaminated and degrades over time, reducing the efficiency of the engine, and the properties of the oil can change causing wear to the engine.
(Note: there are a huge variety of oil specifications available today, we ensure only the correct oil will be used for your car; on occasion this can result slightly higher costs.)
Interim (Seasonal) Servicing
Approx. £105.00 + VAT
The next level of servicing we offer is a seasonal service, which in addition to renewing the engine oil and oil filter, we will carry out checks to your lights and engine levels, a visual check of engine components for signs of leaks etc, a check of washers and wiper blades, tyre condition and tyre pressures. We will also check the strength of your antifreeze and boiling point of the brake fluid. This will give you piece of mind that your vehicles fluids and visibility are in good condition for the season ahead.

MOT Testing
Class 4
£54.85 with discounts to £50.00 for returning or recommended customers
Cars up to 8 passengers, motor caravans, quad bikes, dual purpose vehicles, goods vehicles up to 3000kg design gross weight.
Class 5 VL
Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (13-16 passenger seats and up to 5000kg design gross weight)
Class 7
£58.60 with discounts to £53.00 for returning or recommended customers
Goods vehicles (over 3000kg and up to 3500kg design gross weight)

Diagnostic Testing
A dreaded warning light appearing on your instrument cluster. Whether it is an engine management light, ABS light, airbag or any other warning, a diagnostic test is often the first point of call.
Pricing diagnostics is not always straight forward, with some faults easily traced and others taking strenuous investigation.
Therefore pricing for diagnostic work is as follows:
Diagnostic code read and up to 30 minutes investigation
£45.00 + VAT
Further diagnostic investigation
£65.00 + VAT per Hour

Engine Service
Approx. £160.00 - £200.00 + VAT
An engine service is the next level of servicing we offer. This comprises of a renewal of engine oil and oil filter. A renewal of the air filter, fuel filters and spark plugs when required. This will also include a check of lights and levels, wipers and washer, tyres and tyre pressures, engine components and hoses, auxiliary belt condition and testing of antifreeze and brake fluid strength. This will provide piece of mind that your engine area has been inspected, potentially finding issues before they become more serious. It will benefit the efficiency and life of your engine. Costs of parts can vary from vehicle to vehicle (especially oils, filter and spark plugs), therefore costs will vary but will usually be within the approximate costs above.
Full Service
Approx. £250.00 - £300.00 + VAT
This is the most comprehensive service that we offer. It includes a change of engine oil and filter, pollen filter, air filter and fuel filters if required. Petrol vehicles will have spark plugs checked and replaced if necessary. The full service consists of a 50 point check of the vehicle, a full brake and tyre report all noted on a service sheet for your records. It includes all checks undertaken in the engine service listed above along will a full check of exhaust, braking, steering and suspension. This service will give you the best understanding of your vehicles condition, potentially picking up any faults at an early stage to prevent brake downs. (Note: Fuel filters and spark plugs can vary in price from vehicle to vehicle and therefore may incur additional cost.)

Taxi Compliance Test
Testing for Ipswich Borough Council we carry out taxi compliance tests for hackney carriage and private hire taxis.
If done in conjunction with an MOT test the price will be discounted for both test and will cost - £56.00