15 Holywells Road, Ipswich, IP3 0DL
Tel 01473 216462
MOT Class IV, V & VII
Taxi Compliance Testing

Clutch Replacement
Timing Belts
Air Conditioning
Injector Extraction
Customer Privacy Notice
Here at CVS (Anglia) Ltd we are fully committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
Under the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we are committed to ensuring full transparency in how your information is collected and processed.
The personal information we collect is only used to enable us to fulfil our duties and keep your vehicle and customer details up to date. We will not share any personal information with any other agency unless requested or, if required, permission will be sought (this would only be in the event of an inspection by the Inland Revenue or other governing agencies).
The information we process and hold on our customers will strictly be the minimal amount needed to enable us to complete our working activities and fulfil our legal obligations. Details collected will not exceed the following;
Customer/ Business name
Customer/ Business address
Contact telephone number
Contact email address
Vehicle registration/ Vehicle identification number
Other information that may be processed would be upon the request of a customer only. We will never requested or store sensitive personal information.
Information will be used to keep customer and vehicle records up to date and enable us to contact you when required, for example to remind you your MOT is coming up for renewal, vehicle part recalls or payment issues (over/ underpayment) etc.
Personal information will be stored securely on our computer databases, which are password protected and via paper filing systems, which are kept in an authorised personnel only dedicated area (which is locked when not attended). No information is stored on internet servers.
Personal data that is recorded on our invoices will be stored securely for 6 years to enable CVS (Anglia) Ltd to fulfil its obligation to the Inland Revenue; after this period all information will be destroyed.
Card payments that have been made by our customer will produce a merchant card slip. This shows the card number of the card used to pay. This slip is kept only for short period (1 month maximum) to enable accounts reconciliation and is then destroyed. Whilst in the period between payment and reconciliation the card slips are kept securely in a restricted area.
In conjunction with GDPR all are customers have the right to request to see all personal information that we hold you; this is known as a subject access request and can be made verbally or in writing. We have a legal obligation to provide this to you free of charge and within a one month period from the date of request. Subject access request forms are available from the office reception – although it is not mandatory to fill one out to request access to your information.
We back up all of our company data, including customer data on a weekly basis and store it in a fireproof safe; ensuring in the event of an event such as fire your data will still be available to you.
If you wish to view our full data protection and privacy policy please ask a member of staff; alternatively there is a copy pinned to the customer notice board.
If you have any queries on our data protection and privacy policy, please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help.